E ngā mana, e ngā reo, rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou katoa

All peoples of the world, all survivors, all chiefly peoples, all groups. Greetings to you all.

Inā te pouri me te whakamā, ko te Tauāwhina o Perehipitīriana Aotearoa e tūtohu nei i te rīpoata Whanaketia, i ngā putanga kōrero mō te tūkinotanga me te whāngongotanga i pā ki te hunga tamariki, nō rātau e noho ana i raro i ngā haahi tiaki tāngata o Aotearoa i ngā tau 1950–1999.

It is with sadness and shame, Presbyterian Support New Zealand (PSNZ) acknowledges Whanaketia, the final report on the abuse and neglect of children, young people and adults in the care of the State and faith-based institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand between 1950-1999.

Hei tā te Kaunihera Tauāwhina o Perehipitīriana Aotearoa, mātau ko ō mātau ratonga a rohe, tae noa ki ngā kaimahi hoki, e whakapā rawatia ana ki ngā tamariki harakore, ki te hunga rangatahi hoki, mō te pākinini me te pākatokato i pā mamae atu, i a rātau e noho ana i ngā whare tiaki o Perehipitīriana Aotearoa. E aumihi ana i ēnei hunga e whai nei, ko Te iwi Māori, Te iwi Pasifika, me te hunga whaikaha, mō rātau i pā kino atu me te aha kua whakangongotia.

On behalf of the PSNZ National Council, regional organisations and our kaimahi, I apologise unreservedly for the pain and suffering endured by hundreds of innocent children, young people and adults placed in the care of Presbyterian organisations, homes and services. We acknowledge that some groups, including Māori, Pacific Peoples and those with disabilities were disproportionally neglected and impacted.

Mō rātau te heipapa nui , kia tiakina koe, engari mō tēnā, ko te ūtonga kē tā rātau mahi. Tē mutu te rere o whakapāhā.

Those responsible for your care and protection instead caused unimaginable harm. This should never have happened. We are truly sorry.

Ki a koe, i tō taunaki ki te whakatewhanga, e tūpou ana mātau i tō māia mārohirohi, i tō manawaroa, i tō hauhake anō i ēnei wheako konekone. Ka kite mātau i a koe, ka rongo mātau i a koe. Te tikanga ia, kia kaua rāwa tēnei āhuatanga kia pā atu ki a koe.

To you, who testified as part of the inquiry we bow to your courage, strength and resilience in revisiting these abhorrent experiences. We see you. We hear you. This should have never happened to you.

Ki a koe tē taea te whākina atu. Ka āhukahuka hoki mātau i a koe. Te tikanga ia, kia kaua rawa tēnei āhuatanga kia pā atu ki a koe.

To you, who could not speak out. We recognise you too. This should never have happened to you.

Ki a koe, i tō mātau huri tūara atu, kīhai hoki i whakapono atu. Ka kite mātau i a koe, e whakapono atu mātau i a koe. Te tikanga ia kia kaua rawa tēnei āhuatanga kia pā ki a koe.

To you, who was ignored or disbelieved. We see you. We hear you. We believe you. This should have never happened to you.

Ki a koe, ki ō rīkoata kua turakina, kua ngaro, kua kore rawa. Ka kite mātau i a koe, ka rongo mātau i a koe, anō te tikanga ia kia kaua rawa tēnei āhuatanga kia pā ki a koe.

To you, whose records were destroyed, lost or never created. We see you. We hear you. This should have never happened to you.

Ki a koe, te mōrehu mārohirohi kua whai wā ki te kōrero ki a mātau. Tēnā koutou katoa. Nā tō kōrero ki a mātau i āwhina ai mātau kia mārama ki tō ngau kino, ki ngā hua kino i puta atu, otirā ko ō mātau hē nui.

To you, the courageous survivors we have spoken to. Thank you. Your interactions with us have helped us to truly understand your trauma, the ongoing impacts and our mistakes.

E kore e taea te whai kupu hei whakatīnana i te whakamā me te pāpouri kei runga i a mātau. Nō hea mātau e whakaae ki tēnei tūkinotanga, nō hea rawa i whaakae i tērā wā, otirā haere ake nei te wā hoki. Ehara rawa tērā i a mātau.

There are not enough words to express the shame and sorrow we feel. We absolutely condemn this abuse. It was never okay, and it is certainly not who we are today.

Ko tā mātau kupu kī taurangi ki a koe, nō hea mātau e whakaae kia tōaitia tēnei tūkinotanga, ka mutu ka mau tonu ki ā mātau kupu kia āwhinatia ngā whānau, kia noho haumaru ngā iwi katoa, mohoa nei ā haere ake nei te wā.

Our promise to you is that we will never let this happen again and will continue to support survivors and their whānau. We are determined to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all people who we support now and in the future.

Kotahi nei te moemoeā mō ngā reanga ka whai mai. He Aotearoa ka kaha tautokohia te mātātahi, ka kaha haumarutia te rangatahi, ka kaha arohatia te tamaiti mā roto i tētahi ara e tautoko ai te tupu me te whanaketanga.

We share your moemoeā (dreams) for the next generations – an Aotearoa New Zealand where every child, young person and adult is loved, safe and cared for in a way that supports their growth and development.

E mōhio ana mātau, he papaku noa te kī atu, heoi he nui tonu ngā mahi me mahi e mātau.

We acknowledge that words alone are hollow. We must do more.

Kāre mātau te Tauāwhina o Perehipitīriana Aotearoa e whakahaere ana i ngā ratonga mō ngā whānau. Heoi, he mea whakaaukaha kē i ngā ratonga ka whakaratohia e ngā Perehipitīriana Tautoko e whitu, ā rohe. Arā ki te whakapakari ki te tautoko i ngā hāpori kia whaia te oranga tonutanga.

Presbyterian Support New Zealand does not directly deliver services. The work we do is aimed at strengthening the services provided by the seven regional Presbyterian Support organisations, to empower communities and support positive change.

Hai tā mātau ka whai whakaaro, kia aro hoki ki ngā tūtohunga i whakaritea e te Kōmihana Roera, kia mōhio marika koutou katoa ka mau rawa tēnei haepapa i a mātau, ake ake tonu atu. Me he whare kōataata ka whitikina tōnutia ōna tipu o roto, e te rā. Hai tā te Kaunihera Perehipitīriana matua ā motu, ka kī taurangi atu, ka noho manawanui mātau i roto i tērā haepapa, ka hāpaitia ngā panonitanga tika rawa atu, huri noa ki Aotearoa.

As a federation, as we consider and digest the recommendations prepared by the Royal Commission, please know that we are and will be forever accountable, transparent and responsible in our actions to affirm that any abuse will not be tolerated. As the national Presbyterian Support body, we promise to remain steadfast in that commitment and drive positive change across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Hei whakakapinga, kei ngā mōrehu, tē mutu te rere o mihi, mō koutou i āwhinatia kia hangaia he anamata papai kē atu mō ā tātau tamariki. Ko te mamae, tē whakahoki, heoi mā te aha i ēnei kupu whakapāhā hei tānga manawa hai āwhina i te oranga tonutanga. Kua tūwhera tō mātau kūaha ki a koe.

Finally, to the survivors, thank you for helping to build a better future for our tamariki. We can never undo the harm inflected on you, but I hope that our acknowledgments, recognition and sincere apologies go some way to helping you heal. Our door is always open to you.

Credits to Kare Tipa for Te Reo Māori translation


Our Lament

Ki ngā mōrehu, ngā pārurenga harakore, i tukinotia, i takakinotia, tae noa ki ngā kohine ngā wāhine i pāwheratia i ngā tau ki mua, he whakapāha aroha pono tēnei kia koutou katoa, mai i a mātou ngā Tauāwhina o Perehipitīriana Aotearoa

To the survivors, innocent victims, who were abused, ill-treated, including the young ladies and women who were violated throughout the years, this is our sincere heartfelt apology to you all from Presbyterian Support New Zealand.


Auē te mamae – te mamae – te mamae
Alas the pain – the agony – the torment
Mō taku hē – mō taku hē – mō taku hē
For my wrongs, guilt and shame
Mā wai e whakatika tēnei waka kua tīkoki?
Who will resurrect this vessel that has capsized?
Mā wai e waihanga tēnei whare kua tanuku?
Who will erect this house that has collapsed?
Mā te mahi tahi o te katoa, i runga i te whakaaro tahi
By the cooperation of everyone, with the same thought in mind
Ka pahawa te mahi ka tutuki ngā wawata
The work will be completed and the aspirations will be achieved
Auē kua kaniawhea te ngākau
Alas this deep remorse, of guilt, of shame
Auē e te pōuri kei hea tōu māramatanga?
Alas the darkness where is thy enlightenment?
Auē e te mamae kei hea tāu whakamahutanga?
Alas where is thy healing from this pain?
Auē e te aroha kei hea tōu whakamutunga?
Alas thy sympathy and compassion where is thy ending
He whakamutunga kore, ka mau tonu, mo ake, mō ake tonu atu
It is never ending, it continues, forever, forever more


Every Presbyterian Support region has made its own apology and response to the recommendations of Whanaketia. You can view them here:

Presbyterian Support Northern | PSN
Presbyterian Support East Coast | PSEC
Presbyterian Support Central | PSC
Presbyterian Support Upper South Island | PSUSI
Presbyterian Support South Canterbury | PSSC
Presbyterian Support Otago | PSO
Presbyterian Support Southland | PSS

You will find the Presbyterian Church’s response and apologies here:

Presbyterian Church Aotearoa New Zealand | PCANZ

23 October 2024 (updated 8 January 2025)