Presbyterian Support New Zealand

Takihua Takimano | Making a difference together

PSNZ’s vision is for empowered and connected whānau and communities. Our mission is to foster wellbeing through advocacy and support. Our services for tamariki and their whānau are provided by Family Works, while services for older people are provided by Enliven.


Speaking out for equity and social justice

We represent our workforces and raise our voice on behalf of those we support, to aid and inform better policy and decision making.

Advocacy Work

Family Works Social Services

Building strong families and connected communities

Family Works believes in empowering children, families, whānau and communities so they can flourish and reach their full potential.

About Family Works

Enliven Aged Care Services

Supporting older people to thrive

Enliven provides a variety of aged care and community services that support older people to have companionship, choice and independence, variety and fun, meaningful activity and purpose in their lives.

About Enliven

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Presbyterian Support

Strengthening communities

Working together to respond to community needs and nurture the wellbeing of tamariki and whānau in Aotearoa.

Meet our team

Meet our dedicated and passionate team who empower people, families and communities every day.

The Tindall Foundation

PSNZ is a Local Donation Manager for The Tindall Foundation, achieving positive outcomes for communities.

Applications for funding open in May 2025.

How can we help?

If you would like to know more about our services, or would like to make a donation, please get in touch.